From the Rec Min January 21, 2020

               Thank you all once again for a great Saturday of CSports Basketball. Only one more week to go! Remember that a lot of you will be having make-up games this week during your practice times. There were more concerns brought to our attention this weekend about referee calls and Mrs. Rose and I will, as always, will try to keep an eye out for any unfair circumstances, but please remember that almost every call (or no call) will make one side happy and the other side sad. We pay referees for the full court games and I consider the licensed and official officials to be better at it than I am. We beg coaches to help from the sidelines each week which would be of benefit in many ways. Please bear with us for one more week. I would challenge anyone to go to any league of any sport for any age and not find fault in officiating. Some think it is too relaxed, some think too strict. Please encourage your players and their families to realize that referee decisions are a part of every level of every sport and please don’t say bad things in front of the children regardless. 

               The 2019/20 CSports Basketball Celebration was very well attended and all seemed to enjoy the event. The coaches and all volunteers were thanked, the teams paraded across the stage with their banners, and the video was great. The speaker was a little weak (me) but I was honored to have the chance to address the families as my retirement is getting near. My message was consistent with my message each week which reminds each of you of your influence upon the players and families, and the responsibility that goes along with that influence. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to, “Train up a child in the ways that are right, and when they are old they will not depart from it.” I displayed the image of a Father’s Day card I received several years ago from my son and daughter in law which showed their picture with the words, “Lord, I want to be like You, because they want to be like me.” I trust you understand the meaning. None of us will “be like the Lord” but He is our role model as we are the role models for these young ones over whom we have authority. Their future will be affected by what they learn from us. Our words, character displays, beliefs expressed, values modeled, along with our love and encouragement will be passed on to future generations. Our church’s goal statement of “Love God, Love People, and Change the World” is never more displayed or effective than when you sit with your players during devotions, team prayers, team meetings, and as you guide and encourage from the sidelines. Truly, God put you into this ministry just for this purpose!

               Enjoy this week and I’ll see you on the court. Please be sure to let Mrs. Rose know if you’re planning a team party. I need the paperwork from Team Service Projects, also. Thanks for everything!


In His Service,


Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister

Christ United Methodist Church



“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6