C-Sports T-Ball, Baseball, and Softball

The C-Sports developmental T-Ball, baseball & softball registration begins in December for the coach pitch leagues. T-Ball age league requirements are age 4 by March 1st of the current year, baseball is co-ed for K5-2nd grade, separate league for boys 3rd & 4th grade and softball for girls 3rd grade through 6th grade for the current school year. Required evaluations are in February, season begins in March with weekday practices and Saturday games. Season ends in May.

REGISTRATION for 2024 season

  • All first time C-Sports participants families MUST attend the PARENT ORIENTATION, which is given at 6pm on evaluation nights

  • Online registration dates: or until full - whichever comes first.

  • Required evaluations: (cannot be drafted without evaluation)

  • Weekday practices start:

  • Saturday games begin:

  • Season Ends:

Parents must read the parent information prior to registering. You may download this to your device, print it or bookmark the link for future reference. You will need this information handy throughout the season. We do not send regular emails with reminders due to the amount and frequency of information that would need to be sent.

It is your responsibility to stay up to date. We do our best to put it all together for you ahead of time - please take the time to read it.

Due to the nature of our drafting process in our developmental league, special requests for teammates are not accepted.  With such a wonderful and large number of children in our leagues it is impossible to place children with their favorite coach on their most convenient night at the ideal time with their best friend, etc. There may be certain criteria that will qualify as an exception, such as siblings in the same age league. We draft teams so that the talent levels on each team will be as close to equal as we can make them. Your child will meet new friends on every team in every season! Encourage them so as to excite them about the sport and the new experiences that await them.