From the Rec Min January 13, 2020

               Even though we missed a weekend of basketball games we must be thankful that no one in our area was hurt too badly by the storms Saturday. Mrs. Rose kept track of reports and advisories from late Friday evening through early Saturday morning. We will always choose the safety of our participants over “taking a chance” that all may be ok, and thus, games were cancelled. Mrs. Rose and some of our sports staff actually came to the gym on Saturday to break things down for church services Sunday. They deserve a big “thank you” when you see them this week.

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               PLEASE encourage all of your families (and coaches especially!) to be at our CSports Basketball Celebration this coming Sunday in the gym at 3:00pm. Advise everyone to be about 10 minutes early so they can fill out the response cards and find a seat before the lights go down. The Celebration is where we thank coaches and volunteers, the players parade across the stage with their team banners, and, at the end, are awarded trophies to commemorate their season with us. Please don’t miss it.

               We have two more game weeks. As in football, we are beginning the “4th quarter”. Jesus told us in John 13:15, “I have set you as an example that you should do as I have done for you.” We are all so blessed in so many ways and God expects us to model those blessings so that others may see Him through the things we say and do. We have two more weeks to be the life-long memories that these young basketball players will pass along to future generations, whether as parents, coaches, teachers, or even ministers one day. Let’s finish at full speed!

               As always, thank you all for everything you do for this ministry! Please be sure you finish your Team Service Projects and get the paperwork to me. If you’re planning a team party please let Mrs. Rose know. I’ll see you on the court!


In His Service,

Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister
Christ United Methodist Church

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6