Every workday, I have a 45-minute drive to the office. With plenty of time in between destinations, I usually kick off my day with either an informative podcast or a playlist of songs that match my mood. There are days when I prefer to drive in complete silence. Today, I began with an informative podcast, but I found it hard to focus, so I switched to my "liked" songs playlist on Spotify. The first song that came on was "Counting My Blessings" by Seph Schlueter. These lyrics speak to me in so many ways:
“God, I'm still counting my blessings
All that You've done in my life
The more that I look in the details
The more of Your goodness I find
Father on this side of Heaven
I know that I'll run out of time
But I will keep counting my blessings
Knowing I can't count that high”
One thing I’ve consistently emphasize to myself and my children, who are now adults, is to always find the blessings—even during tough times or when things are hard to understand. This past weekend, when both of my children were home (one of whom lives out of state), I couldn’t help but think about how fortunate I am to have my family all together in one place. At the same time, I reminded myself to keep this in mind when I start complaining about the cleaning and cooking that comes with having everyone home.
It’s easier to reflect on difficult moments and recognize the blessings that came from them, but it’s much harder to do that in the midst of the struggle. Yet, that’s when it matters the most. This is when our faith really kicks in, bringing us to our knees in gratitude. We thank God for all He does for us, for what He brings into our lives, what He helps us through, and for the plans He has for us during those times.
Marcia Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry
Christ United Church