From the Rec Min September 2, 2019

               I hope you are all having a good Labor Day holiday! Thank you for a great first day of soccer games! I was circulating the fields and introduced myself to one of the coaches who told me, “I know your name. You’re the one who sends us the emails every week!” Yep…that’s me. During our sports seasons I like to stay in contact and pass along any pertinent information while thanking all of you for the services you are providing to this ministry and to the hundreds of families who bring their children to learn sports, meet new friends, and grow closer to the Lord. Sometimes we may feel like we are “herding cats” or just entertaining when the kids seem to be working off their energies from a long day in school or whatever, but please never underestimate the influence you are having upon them and the effect your influence will have on them as, and when, they grow up. We often can’t see the young ones processing the things we teach, but we know God has a plan for them and we are a part of it!

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               Many times in my thoughts that I pass along have I gone back to the story of David in 1 Samuel where Samuel is looking for the one God has chosen to be king of Israel. Samuel was led to the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons as God’s chosen one. He meets each of Jesse’s strong young sons but is not led to anoint any of them. He asks Jesse in Chapter 16, verse 11, “Are these all the sons you have?” to which Jesse replied, “There is still the youngest but he is tending the sheep.” That youngest, more or less overlooked by his father, was David who would become the king. Let us be sure we never overlook or underestimate any of the children who are in our care each week. We teach them specifics about the game, sportsmanship, teamwork, and hope to teach and inspire them during the team devotions during the practices, but we have no idea what God has in store for them. When you (and we, the rec staff) accepted the responsibility to lead and to serve, we acknowledged a part of the plan God had for us. Now, let us perform as we were led and see what wonders may come from our efforts.

               Thank you all for everything you do for this ministry and for the children and families in your care!


In His Service,


Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister

Christ United Methodist Church



“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6