Thank the Lord for another beautiful (if quite hot) day of CSports Soccer! Every season of every year I get great joy from seeing the improvement each week in the players’ skills, the teams’ efficiency, and the coaches’ techniques and game management. I’m currently re-reading Tim Tebow’s book in which he goes into great detail about his commitment to working for Christ and his work ethic which pushes him to train so hard for his athletic pursuits. He quotes Luke 12:48 several times where Jesus tells us, “To whom much is given, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” He uses that as both a motivator and a warning. God creates us and gives each of us gifts which He intends for us to use to serve Him and make this world a better place.
The Body of Christ is not unlike our own bodies. Our hands are useless unless our eyes see, our arms move, and our minds determine a purpose. Our legs need our feet and vice versa. In our families, our churches, and our communities we need the gifts God has given each of us to perform effectively. Coaches, Team Parents, Prayer Partners, Rec Staff and Volunteers, Concessions vendors, volunteer grass cutters, Parents who help with organization and devotions all play major parts in this ministry which reaches so many children and families. Please continue to give 100% of the gifts and energy with which God has blessed you! You are making a difference every week!
Please remind teams of the Team Service Project expectations as well as the CSports Soccer Celebration Sunday, Oct. 13, at 3:00pm. Have a fun and safe week. See you on the fields!
In His Service,
Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister
Christ United Methodist Church
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6