From a distance and from all I’ve heard, Saturday’s soccer games went beautifully. Thank you all for your efforts at making this program and this Ministry work so well each week! I was participating in a funeral in our sanctuary but had you guys on my mind! PLEASE remind about and encourage your families to be in attendance at the 2019 C-Sports Soccer Celebration this coming Sunday, 10/13, in our gym at 3:00pm. They will want to arrive 10 or 15 minutes early to get a good parking spot and to fill out their response card. The response cards are one way we in the Rec Ministry learn things about our programs – both good and bad! This is also when the coaches and other volunteers are thanked, parents receive words of encouragement, and players receive their trophies for their hard work during the season. There have been, on a few occasions, coaches who can’t attend. I ask that you all prioritize this event but if there is a reason you can’t attend, be sure your team comes and have a sub in charge to pass out the trophies at the end of the Celebration. Mrs. Rose will be checking in with each of you this week.
Sunday morning our pastor preached to us about the words found in the Book of James, 4th Chapter, 17th verse, which says, “Anyone who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” I can recall as a child hearing my father speak about “sins of commission and sins of omission”. The memory of his explanation has affected both my behavior and my conscience throughout my life. Whereas, even in my daily Christian walk, I still commit sin through my human weakness, I believe the majority of my sin comes from things I should do, but don’t. It may be because of laziness, shyness, being in a hurry, preoccupation, or whatever, but so many times I think back on “what I should have done” in regret. As we near the end of our soccer season (2 more weeks) I encourage each of you to make every effort to not miss a chance to change the life of a young one in your charge, to encourage a family, and to model for all what it means to be a servant of Christ.
Yesterday as I was leaving church I passed a person who I knew was involved in an activity that two of my grandsons are in. They stopped me and told me how much they appreciated seeing my 6 year old grandson during his time with them interacting with a special needs child, speaking positively to them, sitting by them, explaining what is happening to them, etc. I was both proud and humbled. His behavior became a blessing, and even an example, to others. I pray that the Lord gives me similar opportunities and that I may respond as a servant rather than as a busy adult with responsibilities and too many things to do. I pray that my instincts will “let my light shine so that they may see my good works and glorify God who is in Heaven.” (Matt. 5:16) I pray that for you as well. Use your time wherever you are to hear His voice and respond so that your later thoughts will result in a smile of heartfelt peace rather than guilty regret.
Oh well…that was on my heart today. Thanks for hearing me out. I hope to see you all on both Saturday and Sunday at the Celebration! Have a great week!
In His Service,
Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister
Christ United Methodist Church
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6