From the Rec Min October 14, 2019

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What a great weekend we had! Thank you all for putting up with the misty rain on Saturday and for making our 2019 CSports Soccer Celebration on Sunday such a powerful event. We love to tease Mrs. Rose about having supernatural influence on the weather during CSports activities. What we decided Saturday was that, considering how badly our community needed the rain, she just got “out-prayed”. The cooler temp helped, however, and we had some great games. The Celebration Sunday afternoon was well attended and the Spirit was definitely present. Our Children’s Ministry put on a puppet show and our players paraded across the stage to cheer for their teams and to thank their coaches. Our speaker was the Founding Pastor of our church, Pastor Jeff Spiller. With this week being our church’s 40th anniversary it was very fitting that he spoke to the crowd about the means for Godly success. He is a living example of a follower who leads and a leader who follows. Proverbs 16:9 tells us, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” All who receive this message have answered the call to serve. We are bearers of both the word and the way. We have schedules and routines that we “religiously” follow, but it is the Holy Spirit that determines the outcome of our efforts.

               After the Celebration was over, I was standing with Pastor Spiller when the mother of one of our players came to speak to us. Her child has some special needs and she just wanted to thank all involved in our program for the positive things that are happening in their lives. She showed me a video on her phone of a time in one of their games when coaches and players on both teams made it possible for her child to score a goal. I heard the cheers and saw the joy in all of the faces in the video. When that happened, every one of the players and coaches became ministers…maybe for just a brief time… but they changed lives through their spirit and actions. With goosebumps on my arms from the inspiring video, I told the mother of other times teams have done this in other sports as well. This is who we are and what we do. Thank you all for being life changers through your words and example. The response cards received at the Celebration indicated that 7 adults and 24 players accepted Christ during the season. 35 adults and 53 players indicated that they had grown closer to Christ and stronger in their faith during the season.

One more week and it becomes basketball season and we start all over again! Mrs. Rose always needs coaches so if you feel the tug, please volunteer to coach basketball. Have a great week and I’ll see you Saturday. Please let your families know that our Pumpkin Patch Family Day will be going on this Saturday as well so plan to stick around before or after your game and enjoy their activities.


In His Service,


Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister

Christ United Methodist Church



“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6