Many times I look back through our Rec Min Volumes, written by Steve Ellisor, former Recreation Minister. Mostly I look back to them due to a conversation of those memories, many times because I need the guidance that comes from Steve’s “From the Rec Min” journaling. I think we can all benefit from these experiences of the early days of the recreation ministry. Scripture never changes. Life brings change and scripture always keeps us firm to our faith and that is our foundation of moving forward with the changes.
April 2008 - I was excited Sunday morning when I saw several people in worship that I had not seen before in a service. From my seat in the choir I get a pretty good view. I knew these people from our sports programs! I am constantly motivated by the movement of the Holy Spirit in the practices, games, activities, and prayers that are the fruits of your efforts. The service you have volunteered is bearing fruit as evidenced by the changed lives of the hundreds of people who are affected by your influence, devotion, and care.
When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman He changed her life. She was so full of the Spirit that she went into town and told many other people. The people became curious and went to Jesus to see for themselves. In John 4:42 we read, “They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”
That may be how God is using you! You pass the word on through the weekly devotions and through your personal actions and testimony. Then, the Holy Spirit leads the people further to hear, see, and feel for themselves. Isn’t it great to be God’s servant? Let’s keep doing His will and being the agents of change in this community!
From the archives of the Rec Min Vol. 2
By Steve Ellisor
Marcia K. Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry