Relationships are sometimes hard. The holidays can wreak havoc on our emotions and this time of year we are usually already keyed up a few notches when an adverse situation arises. How we choose to answer to the situation is going to be either a reaction or a response. James 1:10 says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” Being slow to anger requires us to trust in God, and His plan for our lives. Reacting doesn’t allow us time to step back and give any value to the situation. Reacting is quick - usually negative. It causes an even more negative reaction and before you know it, the respect and honor are gone and so is the value of that relationship. Those are hard to recover. Responding requires us to step back and give not just the situation value, but the entire relationship value. Choose to respond. Allow enough time to pass to allow you to put yourself in their place and understand their position. You may not have taken the same stance as they did but the action of trying to understand is where you both can find the respect and the value in that relationship. If you can’t value & respect yourself, you cannot give to another what you don’t have. Our faith, our love for the Lord, and His example gives us what we need to be able to respond to adverse situations. It gives us peace within ourselves, peace outside of ourselves, and peace to others.
Marcia K. Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry