From the Rec Min May 6, 2019

               One more week! You got it in you?? Thank you all for a great day of baseball Saturday and a wonderful turn-out and spirit at the celebration on Sunday. Due to a large church function Sunday evening our CSports Baseball Celebration was held in our sanctuary rather than in the gym where we usually have it. While set-up was a little different, I enjoyed having our worship activity in view of the big cross which is so evident in our sanctuary. The Holy Spirit is always with us when we gather in His name, but it just felt right to be in a primary worship venue of our church. We were blessed with the usual welcome video from our Lead Pastor, Dr. Couch, we enjoyed a presentation by our Children’s Ministry Puppet Team, and, as always, celebrated with the banner parade with all of the players circling the area with their banners thanking the coaches. After the season video it was time for the speaker. We had scheduled Mobile’s favorite News Anchor (retired), Mr. Bob Grip, who had communicated with me several times and was anxious to be with us, but I received an email from him on Friday that his wife had passed away that morning. How tragic! I heard a collective moan or sigh when I announced it which told me that he and his family would be in the prayers of many who were in attendance. In his place, I spoke about what speakers who agree to speak at our celebrations each season ask me before they come. “What am I supposed to talk about?” “What is the nature of the occasion ?” “How long shall I speak?” Every time I tell them to feel free to speak about their own faith in Jesus and to encourage all of the parents and volunteers telling them their efforts are important and fruitful. I told the crowd at the celebration yesterday that children develop their character and many of their values and beliefs during this young period of their lives. They learn from us, good and bad. They see more than they hear. They learn what makes us happy, what makes us sad, and what makes us angry. They are influenced later by friends and the media, but during this early stage, parents, teachers, coaches, and other mentors are their guides. We are teaching our children how to raise our grandchildren some day. We are modeling for them how to treat others and even how to talk about others when they are not present. Proverbs 20:11 tells us, “Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his conduct is pure and right.” We are the ones who light their paths through all of the experiences of life…until they get older and the world takes over. Will they have the strength of spirit, the solid foundation, the faithful assurance, the knowledge of God’s word, the self-esteem, and the consistent support and encouragement from their families and mentors to face the challenges and to teach the next generation the things they were taught by you?

Prov 20 11.jpg

               The response cards from the celebration yesterday indicated that 15 adults and 18 players accepted Christ as their Savior during this season. 48 adults and 37 children indicated that they grew closer in their relationship with Christ during the season, and one player asked to speak with a minister about his faith. This is a pretty good start! Our church’s stated purpose is to Love God, Love People, and Change the World. Everything we do is a result of this directive. You, the people who have accepted God’s call to serve, are the instruments by which this part of the world (our community) will be changed for his glory. Thank you for all you do!

               Coaches, please try to get trophies to any players who missed the celebration. We hope for good weather for this last week of baseball! See you on the fields!


In His Service,


Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister

Christ United Methodist Church



“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6