Thank you all for another wonderful day of C-Sports Baseball! This week we got to share the day with our church’s Easter Bazaar on the campus. I drove by early in the morning and then had to go participate in a funeral, but when I returned, games were still going on and there were a number of our families circulating among the children’s activities at the Bazaar. I love it when people from the church can see our sports programs in action and I also love it when our church can display our many family oriented activities so that the C-Sports families can come meet and enjoy! A big thanks goes out to Mrs. Rose and staff from our youth and children’s ministries for handling a potentially dangerous situation early that morning prior (fortunately) to the time families began to show up. We are a big church with a wide open campus and occasionally we have to come together to protect people and property.
I was reading some of the prophesies in Isaiah recently and saw the one I’ve referred to a number of times. It begins in Isaiah 11:6 saying, “The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat…” and ends with, “and a little child will lead them.” There are great prophesies throughout the Book regarding God’s plan for the redemption of His people, but I enjoy taking out of context this passage where it refers to a “little child”. King David was a little child when he was anointed to be king. Jesus, Himself, came to us as a little child. I’ve made many references before about the children who play on our ball fields and in our gym and how many of them will one day “lead”. It may be a family, a work crew, a school, a community, a CSports team, or whatever, but whatever happens 30 years or so from now… these little children will be leading. I often hear our fears expressed regarding the government, the church, society in general, along with “fun” things like school or team rivalries. Our children and the ones we coach hear us and will use our comments to shape their own perspectives. Teaching that “the other team is the enemy” or speaking in a negative tone about our leaders (true or not) must come with the responsibility of explaining to the children the reality and basis for such comments. When we favor a team it isn’t necessary to be negative about other teams. We may applaud the courage of an elected official who will put themselves in front of a potentially hostile crowd to stand for what they believe whether we agree with them or not. Trust me, I’m very opinionated, but I respect leaders, referees, people who will make decisions. I try to remain humble, speak and display what I believe to be true and righteous, and model humility for my kids and grandkids. Still, I want to be courageous. I want to lead from wherever God puts me in my life. But, wherever that may be, I want to be a peacemaker.
What brings hundreds of people to our ball fields each Saturday? “Little children”, that’s what. What brought so many people to our Easter Bazaar Saturday? Same answer. I find that there are very many times and places in which I find myself following, indulging, entertaining, nurturing…well…being led by little children. Let’s celebrate this reality and go full force in the direction God has set us. As the song says, “Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me”…with me teaching the future leaders about faith, love, humility, courage, grace, mercy, and service. Thank you for all you do for this ministry and for the future of this community!
See you on the field!
In His Service,
Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister
Christ United Methodist Church
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6