From the Rec Min December 16, 2019

    Another Basketball Saturday in the books as we near the Christmas break. Thank you all for the time and effort you put in to make this program work. I hear from so many people throughout the season how “great” the program/ministry is but it’s hard to get the message to all of you who deserve the credit! Messages are being delivered during practice devotions and halftime devotions regarding the true meaning of Christmas. This is one of the most crucial, yet difficult, messages to get across to children as we focus so much on Santa, snowmen, etc. When I had the chance to speak to the families in the bleachers during a halftime Saturday I explained how I discussed the matter with my 4 year old grandson last week. Christmas is about the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who was our God coming to earth as a human to teach us how to live and love and to eventually give His own life so that we can be reconciled with our perfect Creator. Santa Claus is the continued spirit of one of God’s followers, Saint Nicholas, who, by obeying God’s desire to show love, is the giver of gifts as his symbol of unconditional love every year as we celebrate Jesus’ birthday. I believe he (my grandson) understood that. Santa’s visits and gifts are symbolic of God’s gift to the people He created and loves.

               I heard a message about God’s unconditional love a few weeks ago when I attended a service at a local church where that same 4 year old grandson was singing. As the children’s choir came in and mounted the steps in front of the pulpit they were smiling and waving to their family members. As the music started some sang, some shouted the words, some kept smiling and waving, some sat down, and some acted as if they didn’t know what to do and just covered their faces with their hands. When the songs were over we all applauded. The pastor, who is a CSports parent (by the way), acknowledged the various styles and behaviors displayed by the children and asked, “How many of you parents and grandparents stopped loving them when they acted up?” Obviously, none of us did. We still embraced them and told them how proud we were of them when they came back to us. The pastor told us that this was what unconditional love is. This is how God loves us even with our imperfections. While he wants us to do well every time, He is still there ready to embrace us when we come to Him. 1 John 1:7 tells us, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin.” I pray that we are all walking in the light. We may be smiling and waving when we should be singing and praising, but we are still His! Let’s share that love with our families, our players, and with all we fellowship with during this season!

               Our programs would be nothing were it not for our many faithful volunteers. May I ask for a very special favor…Even in the rush to get teams together before a game, to get ribbons and PGRs together, let’s still be aware that volunteers are trying to serve. Our tunnel volunteer, Elissa, is one of the most faithful volunteers we’ve ever had. It is her job to keep order in the tunnel, to get PGRs for Mrs. Rose, to line teams up for call outs, etc. Please help her keep order during these times. Help her keep your team relatively quiet so that she can hear the signals from the gym. PGRs are a must…no option…so please follow the rules and get them to her. Thanks!

               One more game week before we break for Christmas. Enjoy the season, attend programs, sing carols, and share some love for someone who needs it! See you on the court!


In His Service,


Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister

Christ United Methodist Church



“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6