Saturday was a great day for the first games of the new year! We had an organization here doing free child ID CD’s for parents. Thanks to all who participated in that! I know of two players who got their first baskets, one of which was partly due to both coaches working together and one player on the other team helping to make it possible. After my staff, volunteers, and I had just finished clearing, cleaning, and mopping the gym I saw that I had a missed call from one of those coaches. I called them back and heard that story which renewed my strength right then when I needed it! I have spoken and written throughout the years of the many incidents in which coaches have joined forces to teach important lessons to their players. Winning a game is fun and will be remembered all the way to McDonalds, but working together to brighten the life of someone else is a character builder that will change a perspective and will be manifested in many ways for years to come. Thank you coaches!...and good hearted players!
I was blessed to be able to share in each of the halftime devotions Saturday. I reflected upon the new year with hopes that all enjoyed their holidays. I told about our family Christmas at my house during which my 5 year old grandson read the Christmas story from the second chapter of Luke. He was sitting on my son’s lap and needed a little help with the big Bible words, but throughout the reading his eyes were big and focused. You could sense the excitement in his tone. That excitement was contagious as we all leaned forward to hear as though it was the first time we had heard the story.
Much like a child reading the Greatest Story, or, a child scoring his/her first basket, it is important that we show our excitement, assurance, and motivation in all that we do as we influence all in our paths. I, as do all of you, have schedules to keep, expectations to fulfill, concerns, dreads, etc. but the assurance of God’s love, which is also displayed through my love for and from my family, must be shown through my words, deeds, and attitude. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify God who is in heaven.” Our actions and attitudes will lead our children and teams. Our efforts reflect our values.
This coming Sunday we will have our 2018/19 CSports Basketball Celebration in the gym at 3:00pm. Families are urged to be here by 2:45 to fill out response cards and find a seat. Let’s be sure to encourage all of our teams and families to attend. It is a major part of the season, plus, you coaches have to hang on to any trophies that go to players who miss the celebration J .
Saturday I was told that many people in the gym cannot hear or understand when Mrs. Rose or I speak over the microphone. We will be trying to improve on that this week. Big thanks to the person who told us! Please be getting Team Service Projects completed and the paperwork back to me in the next two weeks. Thanks for all you do for this ministry! See you on the court!
In His Service,
Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister
Christ United Methodist Church
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6