From the Rec Min July 10, 2018

Good morning C-Sports family! I was out most of the day yesterday and am a day late with the weekly rec min message. Sorry! Thanks for a great week of practices and games. Even more so, thank you for a great time of Celebration Sunday afternoon! It is always great to get to voice our thanks to all of you who give so much of your time and spirit to teaching these players and blessing their families by doing it. It is a blessing every season of every sport to see the players go across the stage with their Celebration Banners and get recognized as they show appreciation to the leaders who have led them during the season. The response cards we received indicated that 17 players and 1 adult accepted Christ during the season and 26 players and 16 adults grew closer to Christ due to your leadership and inspiration. Jesus told us that a tree is known by the fruit it bears. You are bearing good and blessed fruit!

Matthew 22 37-39.jpg

Our speaker this season, Rev. Jon Seale, was unique in that he is a C-Sports coach, a C-Sports parent, was once the Sports Coordinator of our Recreation Ministry (what Mrs. Rose does now), and is the minister at a local United Methodist Church. So…he was qualified. His message was simple but very effective. In sports there is a “process”. We hear that from Coach Nick Saban quite often. The process will get you where you want to go. Jesus defined “the process” for us in Matthew 22:37-39 when He was asked what the “greatest commandment” was, saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” He added, “All the law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” That’s the “process” he was teaching us.

Here, during the final week of this year’s Flag Football season, let’s be sure to be the “Coach Saban” for our team and teach the “process”. I hear you, Tiger fans,…this is a Jesus thing, not a Bama thing so work with me :). I’m hoping the weather cooperates this week and we have a great final week of practices and games. Please be sure to complete your Team Service Projects and get the paperwork to me. If you decide to do a team party on campus here at Christ United, please contact Mrs. Angelia between 8-2 on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday to reserve a spot. Please remind anyone who hasn’t registered for soccer to do it this week! Have a great week and I’ll see you on the field!


In His Service,



Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister

Christ United Methodist Church



“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6