Saturday was a fun day…aaalllll day! Big time thanks to those of you who supported our BayBears night at the “Hank” Saturday night. I believe the players who came had a ball! This coming weekend we will have games as usual on Saturday and then the CSports Baseball Celebration on Sunday afternoon. Please tell your players and families to be here by 2:45pm to have time to fill out their response card and find a seat. There have been a few coaches in the past who have not prioritized attendance at the Celebration. Granted, we can’t make anybody do something that they don’t want to do, but attending the Celebration and handing out the trophies is one of the biggest of the big jobs you have as a coach and team leader. Then, one more game and we’ll give you a few weekends off!
I’m always humbled by the words from Matthew 4:19-20, “Come, follow Me’, Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed Him.” Often, when I get a little overwhelmed with events and responsibilities in this ministry, I will remember the disciples who left everything to follow and to serve. Do we, you and I, realize how fortunate we are to serve here in a Holy Spirit inspired program and have a major part in changing lives and our community? We don’t have to quit our jobs or leave our families. We don’t have to travel to a foreign land. The people come to us!! Then, we just follow the leading of the Spirit and serve. The response cards we will receive at the Celebration will very likely (always have) indicate appreciation for coaches and tell how the lives of their children have been positively influenced by coaches, team parents, Prayer Partners, Rec Staff, and all who volunteered and served. We are winding down the season, but this is the most vital time and event! Please prep your teams for it and be here to lead and be thanked. The team banner parade has proven to be a big way for the players to show their appreciation for what you do. Please be there to receive it!
Thank you all for what you do. If you are wanting to do a team party please schedule with Angelia here at the rec desk. I’m receiving paperwork from Team Service Projects and it proves our Godly and positive effect on the community. I trust every player who participates will feel the blessing of serving and will look for more opportunities as they grow. Have a good week and I’ll see you on the field!
In His Service,
Steve Ellisor, Recreation Minister
Christ United Methodist Church
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6