Rec Min April 2024

We can always find good words from our past Recreation Minister, Steve Ellisor, and the following passage from the From the Rec Min Volume 4 was done in May 2010. This is as fresh today as it was in the past. Enjoy!

Marcia K. Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry

One of the challenges of coaching, or any other position of leadership for that matter, is that you can’t see inside the person you’re working with. You see what they let you see. The important thing for a servant leader, be it a coach, team parent, Prayer Partner, or rec desk volunteer, is to maintain a prayer life that keeps one open to the leading of the Holy Spirit wherever they may be. Sometimes we are put into a position or relationship in which we can’t fix all of the problems for someone, but we can nurture the person as they deal with them. Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

One of my favorite Old Testament scriptures comes from 1 Samuel 16:7 where Samuel is looking at Jesse’s big strong sons to determine which of them the Lord had called to become the next king of Israel. God, of course, wanted the young boy, David, who was in the fields attending to the sheep. The scripture says, “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Yes, this was the same “little harp playing kid” who would later kill the giant and save his people. God sees what we miss. And yet (or should I say “thus”), He calls us to follow His lead, to hear His voice, and to be His hands, eyes, and ears among His people. To some, that’s not a hard thing to do. Many of you have been coaching with us for years and are so full of the Spirit that you can barely wait for the next season! Others are learning what it is to be a servant leader. Each of our “faith journeys” is different and can be a blessing or teaching moment for others. Share your experiences with loved ones, co-workers, and fellow volunteers. Let the Holy Spirit bless them through you as you are blessed through them.”

Steve Ellisor—May 2010

Rec Min March 2024

Self-Care and That’s Not My Job


Have you noticed how more often these days you hear someone say or perhaps by actions alone, “that’s not my job.”?  It this what the new form of “self-care” means? Where do you think this attitude comes from - ill-intent or selfishness?  Or, maybe that person has had enough because they’ve been overworked or been expected to do more than usual for too long? Do you think it could be because people are disengaged from their job or their life?


The apostle Paul writes, "Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others." (Philippians 2:4). Paul called the Philippians to turn from lives of self-centeredness to embrace the fullness of joyful life grounded in following Christ. Being able to translate this message into our daily lives is important.


We now live in a time where we’ve learned how important self-care is and while we do have to take care of ourselves so that we are able to care for others, the purpose must not be a selfish notion of just not serving at all. So, instead of walking away thinking, “it’s not my job,” we should humble ourselves and ask in what ways can we help.  Maybe that person is overworked or maybe they do feel detached from their life. With your help, the overworked person will have some relief, the disengaged person will feel more connected and have a new sense of belonging.


We too are called to serve others and embrace this joy of serving and following they ways of Christ. The offer of help and the partnering to get something done is an unexpected sacrifice that will mean more than you know. The blessing will continue to bless others and this is how we continue to share our far-reaching faith.


Marcia K. Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry

Christ United Church
A Methodist Community


2024 C-Sports Flag Football Registration

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R E M I N D E R !!

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The 2024 C-Sports summer coed Flag Football season registration opens up on Monday, March 4th! This is our summer sport for kids completing K5-6th grade for this current 2023-2024 school year. Space is limited!

📋Required evaluations are early May

👟Weekday practices start late May

🏈Weekday games start early June

🎉Season ends mid July

For more detailed information, visit our website and download the Parent Information at (available on March 4).

As you know, we are volunteer led. We will need volunteer head coaches.

You can complete coaching paperwork online at AVAILBLE NOW!

One head coach removes 10 players from waiting lists.

Feel free to call or email for more details!

Rec Min January 2023

Relationships are sometimes hard. The holidays can wreak havoc on our emotions and this time of year we are usually already keyed up a few notches when an adverse situation arises. How we choose to answer to the situation is going to be either a reaction or a response. James 1:10 says, “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” Being slow to anger requires us to trust in God, and His plan for our lives. Reacting doesn’t allow us time to step back and give any value to the situation. Reacting is quick - usually negative. It causes an even more negative reaction and before you know it, the respect and honor are gone and so is the value of that relationship.  Those are hard to recover.  Responding requires us to step back and give not just the situation value, but the entire relationship value. Choose to respond. Allow enough time to pass to allow you to put yourself in their place and understand their position. You may not have taken the same stance as they did but the action of trying to understand is where you both can find the respect and the value in that relationship. If you can’t value & respect yourself, you cannot give to another what you don’t have. Our faith, our love for the Lord, and His example gives us what we need to be able to respond to adverse situations. It gives us peace within ourselves, peace outside of ourselves, and peace to others.



Marcia K. Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry

Rec Min December 2023

Christmas Pressures and Christmas Treasures

Christmas. We all know the real reason for the season of Christmas. It is a time to immerse ourselves into the acknowledgment of, the teaching of, and the celebration of the birth of Jesus. There is no greater event in the history of mankind. This is the one true treasure. 

Christmas. We plan months in advance. Most of the planning is what decoration theme to have, what gifts to buy for what person, what dinners to host, when to have the party, what parties to attend, and how you can get from point A to point B without going broke or disappointing someone. We have to have that perfect festive dress or suit for our babies, the matching family outfits and the best photographer with the best backdrop. Finding the perfect gifts that will light up the faces of our children and having enough gifts for our children so they will feel the magic of Christmas. Finding a meaningful gift for our spouse, our parents who have everything, the babysitter, co-workers, and the list goes on. These are the pressures.

In all those pressures you will find treasures. The fellowship we have at parties with family, friends and co-workers give us warmth and togetherness outside of the regular everyday life. The heartfelt feeling of seeing your children’s faces explode with joy when they see their favorite toy. The sight of the beautiful family photo on a Christmas card as you put it in the mail. The love we have for the people we spend our time with and the joy we find in being together in the season of all that is Christmas is irreplaceable. Teaching your children throughout the season the real reason we celebrate this time of year is a great treasure.

Remember, even though we know the real reason for Christmas, we want this to be the foundation of all that we do to celebrate. Make that your purpose for all that you do.  Remember, throughout the pressures, find the treasures because they are there because of Him.


Marcia Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry

Rec Min November 2023

Rec Min Message:

When I was younger, reading books was the love of my life for a long time. I remember fondly being able to cuddle up with a big blanket, several cups of coffee, and book with the whole weekend to start and finish it. After marriage and kids, life’s responsibilities made time to do something solitary futile. I either got interrupted or fell asleep within 10 min. Finishing a book was impossible. Within 2 weeks I was rereading the previous chapters so I could refresh my brain to continue on to the current chapter. Eventually I gave up.

Until 3-1/2 years ago, I lived 3 miles from work and everything else and my kids were young during that time. Time in my car was short with 2 noisy kids in the car and the drive frustrating due to heavy traffic in such a short distance! Now, kids are grown and gone. I moved so now I travel 45 minutes to and from and it’s through the tunnel! If you’re from here, you know traffic at the tunnel can sometimes make that 45 minutes become an hour or more ... and talk about frustrating … WOW. However, that time in the car has become the best time to get in some “me” time. While I’ve still got a lot of life responsibilities and still no time to sit and read, this is the perfect time to get back to my love of reading and use this time in the car for audiobooks! I cannot wait to get in my car, get situated and crank up the “Bluetoothed” audiobook! It is refreshing to my soul and it rejuvenates me in every other aspect of my life. I’ve found some great devotional books that have been life enriching.

I’ve said it before in my Rec Min Message and I’ll say it again -- find the blessings. Before, the drive to work was a time of frustration and anger with the nightmare of traffic and now it is the best time of my day to enjoy some “me” time replenishing my soul with a good read, well, a good listen with an audiobook! Heavy traffic making my 45-minute drive a 2-hour drive – no problem! 😆

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” Psalm 103:2


Marcia K. Gibney,

Director of Recreation Ministry


Rec Min October 2023

Do you ever notice how easy it is to be offended? Some of us are passionate about how we spend our money and we have high expectations for customer service folks. Some of us are passionate about left-lane loafers and we have high expectations that they will move to the right lane. Some of us are passionate about our children and we have high expectations for others to see them as we see them.  Anytime we have high expectations, we are easily offended.


I’ve always worked to lower my expectations for others because the other person’s high expectations may not be the same as mine -- and vice versa. When I say “lower” I probably mean more to “balance” than lower. I’m a military brat where high expectations were beyond high; I tend to be perfectionistic and typically have really high expectations. I have learned over the years that taking the time to RESPOND instead quickly REACTING serves everyone much better. As Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” We must use our self-control to find the goodness in the situation and focus on that. Have the patience to put yourself in their shoes and try to see their side. Choose kindness and gentleness as a response instead of an explosive, negative reaction.


God compels us to be forgiving. Sometimes that means forgiving before being offended. If we focus on the fruit of the Spirit, a peaceful situation will come from what would have been an offensive ending. The joy of working it out will produce a love of each other and a balance in expectations that brings about peace going forward.


Marcia K. Gibney,
Director of Recreation Ministry


Rec Min September 2023

It is always good to look back and see the growth of our ministry. Many wonderful ministry moments have occurred and Steve Ellisor did a great thing when he recorded them in the “From the Rec Min” books. These are available at the rec desk, Vol. 1 – 7.


Reflection from Steve Ellisor’s From the Rec Min - September 2008

I’ve always felt it was important for coaches to encourage parents to participate, or at least be present, in the team devotions during each practice. The messages are for them, too! I want the coaches to include their own stories and add to the written materials; to personalize the experience as much as they feel led or feel comfortable doing. Let the children, and families, SEE the message as much as they HEAR it.

One of my favorite songs, and here I go getting teary eyed, is Some Things I Must Tell The Children by Gloria Gaither. I sang it to my kids at bed time when they were little. I’ve performed it at baptisms. The words remind us of the important things we must tell our children. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 says, “Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, and when you lie down and when you get up.” When you deliver the devotion, lead a prayer, or spiritually mentor children (with family members listening close by) you are planting seeds that you may never see bear fruit. This is our service to God. He does the rest. Our job is to first see that we, ourselves, are open and receptive to His Spirit and then to pray for His guidance as we deliver messages and interact with his people.

Prayer Partners are praying for you daily. I hope you are praying for your team and for this ministry as a whole. God is good and the Holy Spirit is at work because you committed to be His agent of love, grace, and instruction to your team. May He richly bless you for what you are doing for His kingdom!


Marcia K. Gibney,
Director of Recreation